Friday, August 5, 2011

My Weekly Pull List - 8/3/11

I know I know, I'm a little behind on my postings this week.  This move is still kicking me ass so jsut bare with me a few more days so I can get back to my regularly scheduled posting :)

Avengers Academy #17 FI
Fear Itself: Wolverine #2 FI
Herc #6 FI
Heroes for Hire #10 FI
Hulk #38 FI
Thunderbolts #161 FI
Vengeance #2
X-Factor #223

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Marvel Comics On-Sale 8/3/11

Sorry for the delay of this list and lack of posting this weekend, I was busy moving all weekend.  I'm all settled now so here the Marvel releases for 8/3/11. Spider Island begins!!

15 Love #3
Amazing Spider-man #667 SI
Amazing Spider-man #667 (FF Anniversary Variant) SI
Avengers Academy #17 FI
Brilliant #2
Brilliant #2 (Oeming Variant)
Brilliant #2 (Mack Variant)
Criminal: The Last of the Innocent #3
Dark Tower: The Gun Slinger - The Battle of Tull #3
Fear Itself: Wolverine #2 FI
Herc #6 FI
Heroes for Hire #10 FI
Hulk #38 FI
Iron Man 2.0 #7.1
Marvel Super Stars Magazine #6
Marvel Zombies Christmas Carol #5
Moon Knight #4
Mystic #1
The Punisher #1
The Punisher #1 (Adams Variant)
The Punisher #1 (Blank Variant)
The Punisher #1 (Buscema Variant)
Red Skull #2
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2
S.H.I.E.L.D. #2 (Historical Variant)
Spider-man: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #5
Thunderbolts #161 FI
Thor: Heaven & Earth #2
Ultimate Spider-man #160 (2ND PRINTING) DOSM
Ultimate Fallout #4 DOSM
Ultimate Fallout #4 (Djurdjevic Variant) DOSM
Vengeance #2
Wolverine #13
X-Factor #223
X-23 #13
X-men: Schism #1 (2ND PRINTING) (Wolverine Variant) S
X-men: Schism #1 (2ND PRINTING) (Cyclops Variant) S

DOSM = Death of Spider-man
FI = Fear Itself
S = Schism
SI = Spider Island