Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Does Magneto's Powers Work on ALL Forms of Metal?

So we obviously know that his powers work on all the normal earth metals like iron, steel, bronze, etc.  And we know that he can manipulate his powers to create gravity fields around non-ferrous objects.  What about the fictional Marvel metals?  Some of them have special properties that could easily lend them to magnetic immunity.

Well we know from the classic X-men (Vol. 2) #25 that it works on adamantium, and I am pretty sure that it works fine on omnium since it is a ferrous alloy.

We also know that it works on that freaky Breakworld metal that Kitty Pryde was trapped in.

But does it work on Uru?  Yeah Magneto can't lift Thor's hammer, but can he grab in magnetically in midair?

What about Vibranium?  With its quasi-mystical properties, does it maybe have a some sort of immunity?

How about Magik and Pixie's Soul weapons and Magik's resultant armor?  Technically they are made of pieces from the girls souls, not metal from a hot forge so theres a very good chance that the magnetic fields don't apply to them.

There are probably instances of Uru and Vibranium being used against Magneto back in his old villain days and I will do some research into it, but I would really like to see the Limbo twins take on the Master of Magnetism if for no other reason then to see his face when his powers fail him against to little girls.  Until of course he finds the nearest most iron-filled boulder and sends it flying into them...

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