Friday, June 24, 2011

Heroic Age...that was fun while it lasted...

heroic age fear itself avengers x-men

Remember a year and a half ago when Marvel made all sorts of promises to us?  Mutant Unity? The Avengers together? A new Captain America? and last, but certainly not least, no more all encompassing crossovers?

Well here we are 13-15 months later (depending on the series) and all but one of these promises have fallen apart.  Schism is about to crack the mutant nation Utopia wide open and give us two teams of X-men, that are working more against each other with each other, according to my articles I've read.  Not to mention that it looks like their public admiration is at an end as the Sentinels are sicced on them again.  And to be honest, when I saw Captain Ameribucky get gunned down during a recent issue of Fear Itself I thought we were going to see some out there miraculous save, but according to all the Captain America #1 promos I've been seeing in the back of many June issues, this seems to not be the case.  It would appear that Bucky is truly dead, again, and Steve Rogers Super Soldiers is once again taking up the stars and stripes of Captain America.  And, then we have the crossovers...what is there to say?  After the insane deluge of comics involved with Civil War, Secret Invasion and Dark Reign, we were promised no more company wide events like them for a good while.   

Enter: the Chaos War.  Not quite as all inclusive as its predecessors, but even still it used a few key characters in the Marvel Universe and had more then one or two limited series/one-shots.  And now we have Fear Itself.  A megalomaniacal mama of a cross over that involved EVERYONE in the Marvel Universe, except the X-men, at least not yet, who have their own problems (and somehow Wolverine is involved with both), and comes complete with one-shot, limited series, and guest peppered just enough through all of them to make us HAVE to buy them all.  

It just seems like all the promises we were made about this supposed Heroic Age either didn't happen or ended so quickly that if you blinked you missed it.  We are back sliding into the same old thing that SORTA worked before rather then sticking to the new ideas and try to come up with more ways to keep things fresh.  I was really excited about all the things we were told that were happening in the Heroic Age and I was even happier that it wasn't a solid storyline that you needed to follow in every book but could just follow in your favorites as well as being a great place to pick up new on new books (I only started regularly reading the Avengers during the Heroic Age).  And while it seems like the Avengers pretty much stick with status quo after Fear Itself, everything else just feels like an old rut that Marvel's falling into.

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