1) First and foremost Ororo has her formidable Alpha-level mutant weather powers. This gives her almost complete control of the weather patterns surrounding her. She can utilize these abilities to:- Generate lightning (both in the sky and from her hands)
- Winds of almost any intensity (which she uses to fly)
- Create rain from showers to thunderstorm
- Blizzards
- Hail and Sleet
- Create Pressure Domes
- Perceive the world as changing weather patterns
- Change air temperature
- Her body resists negative effect of extreme temperatures
3) Lockpicks/Thief Skill - From her years on the streets of Cairo, Storm has learned survival techniques that serve her in almost any environment. More then once she has been called on to use her stealth skills rather then her mutant powers to free herself and the X-men from captivity.
1) Storm's main weakness over the years has bee her cripplingly severe claustrophobia. She developed this condition when she was a child with her parents and a plan crashed into their Cairo home. Her parents were killed and she was trapped under wreckage for days. Has not been TOO big an issue in recent years.Woman Woman
1) God-like Abilities - Diana has many powers that were given to her by Demeter- Strength - She is in the same class as Superman and has been known to lift over 100 tons.
- Speed - She is incredibly fast but her exact speed varies depends on the writer. Also incredibly agile.
- Flight - This depends on which Wonder Woman you are looking at. Most older versions of Diana needed her Invisible Airplane to fly but more recently she can fly under her own power.
- Animal Rapport - She can communicate with animals much like Moonstar is able to.
- Rapid Healing - Due to her divine goddess given abilities she is able to constantly heal herself as well as being highly resistant to poison and corruption.
3) Golden Lasso - Forces anyone caught in it to tell the truth. Also shatters deceptions and illusions
4) Silver Bracelets - Used to deflect all manners of attacks. Can be used against projectiles, force attacks, and magical blasts.
5) Tiara - Razor Sharp and returns like a boomerang.
- While not inherently a weakness, it is worth noting the Wonder Woman's strength and endurance are tied to the planet due to her connection to Gaea.FIGHT!
Well this battle would probably take place in large part in the sky since that Ororo's normal battle ground and I can't see Diana staying grounded for this. Once up in teh sky I imagine that Storm would pelt WW with high powered winds and rain and really crank up the air pressure. Once she established WW's durability she would probably then hit her with some lightning to try and knock her out of the sky. I might even see her whipping up a tornado or micro-hurricane to try and throw Diana off-balance keeping in mind that while Diana has Ororo beat on speed, the air isn't necessarily her natural element.On the other hand, assuming Diana can get past whatever nasty weather Storm is brewing up and get face to face with her, the ballgame changes considerably. For all her elemental fury, Storm is still baseline human in strength and endurance so up against WW's goddess granted power she would probably fold however I see even Wonder Woman struggling to get past a full force hurricane wind with rain and whatever else Storm can throw up so she'd have to try and use her other advantages. She may try and throw her tiara at Storm in hopes of knocking her out or use her golden lasso to grab Storm by the foot, cape or arm and drag her down to the ground.
If this battle makes it to the ground then things change considerably. Storm loses a lot of her maneuverability that she had airborne however drawing on her skills as a thief to use anything and everything for cover and as weapons and here is where her true instincts as a force to be reckoned with come out. However, on the ground also granted Diana full use of her incredible speed which far outmatched Storm's, as does her superhuman strength.
I would say that the location of the battle plays a huge role in this battle. In the air Storm has a true fighting chance due to her maneuverability while in flight and there she can take full advantage of her elemental powers. On the ground Diana's physical abilities far outmatch Ororo's, whose weather abilities are slight more limited when grounded. Also, keeping in mind that Diana has the endurance of a god and is able to refresh and heal herself so unless Ororo can keep her off-guard she will just heal her wounds.
I'm gonna have to say that Wonder Woman probably wins this one. Storm has a chance if she can keep her off balance and airborne but the odds are against her.
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