Saturday, June 18, 2011
Red Fear (Spoilers) - Avengers #14 (Fear Itself tie-in)
If ever there was a defining issue for a new Avenger (as opposed to a New Avenger) it was this one. I have honestly felt that Fear Itself (just like Chaos War, Dark Reign, Secret Invasion, Civil War and House of M before it) has WAY too many extraneous tie-ins and spin-offs, after all we don't need a story arc about a team or character in their book AND a limited series about them too. Additionally, while I have not been a huge Hulk collector over the years, I have specifically hated General Ross. His singular hatred for Bruce Banner and the Hulk went so far beyond his desire to protect his daughter (unsuccessfully I might add).
But with this Fear It installment, we saw the true test and shining moment of an American hero. Despite a personal invitation to the team from Steve Rogers, Red Hulk has not been exactly welcome in the Avengers ranks. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that they don't know he's a high ranking US Army General (which I think Spider-man has some nerve having an issue with RH keeping his identity a secret), but a large portion of the problem is the terrible stigma that comes with all those that have Hulk-related abilities. I would think that Hulk's founding member status would carry SOME weigh as would all the good that Bruce Banner has done, but I suppose not. Well, any issues or reservations that *I* had are gone and I can only hope that after the dust settles, General Ross is still with us to enjoy this new found respect from his teammates.
And he was given the perfect enemy to prove his "worth" against: the newly Worthy Ben Grimm aka Future Foundation and New Avenger member Thing. He dropped in and made the honorable move and asked him to surrender knowing full well it would never happen and then proceeded to take one of the most brutal poundings a Hulk has ever endured. This man, having no really allegiance to any of these teammates of his, is a true hero who stood up for his team 100% and never backed down, taking blast after blast from Angrir's enchanted meat tenderizer. Even with having Avengers Tower toppled on top of him he refused to give up until his last breath. A breath, I might add, that could have been take in Connecticut or Pennsylvania for all we know as the reward for his heroics was to be blown across the Manhattan sky to parts unknown.
Based on the interviews at the beginning of the issue, it looks like his deeds have gained him the respect and trust of his team mate, but let us just hope that the cost wasn't too high and that trust and respect aren't too little too late.
The Newest X-man??
So remember back in X-Factor #4 when we had bad ass strong woman Frenzy show up? She was flat out evil and tough as hell.
Then she resurfaced in the Acolytes as a blind follower of Magneto and her evil streak seemed a bit tempered by what she perceived as piousness.
And now after all this time (she showed up in 1987 first) she joins a long line of reformed villainesses (ahem Rogue and Emma) as the newest recruit??
Scott's words to her were amazing in X-men Legacy #248 and I am SO looking forward to seeing her stick around for a while as some form of X-man...lets not have another Lifeguard scenario...
Seeing Joanna, WANT to change and want that heroic X-men pride for herself shows the great stride that this character has made over the years! After all, she was just a power addict (literally) when we first met her. then with the Acolytes she was fighting for a true cause that she deeply believed in which was already a step up from the Alliance of Evil strongwoman. I really hope that they continue this storyline with Joanna and don't punk out on it right away and have her go evil again, that would be a real disappointment...
Uncanny X-men Reboot - I'm mad, I'm mad, I'm really really mad!
OK I know I was really pissed last week when I found out about Uncanny X-men being cancelled, but to be honest I was even more upset to find out they were doing it just to re-start it again from #1.
I know opinion on this is split but just so we're clear...Uncanny X-men #545 would have been just as good as Uncanny X-men #1! Why does everything Marvel does now have to start with a #1 issue??? I was sort of on board when they did Heroes Reborn, but that was mostly because I didn't read the issues that got rebooted. But since then Marvel has just gotten out of control with the renumbering and rebooting crap. And it would be one thing if they really stuck to it but half the time they end up dual-numbering or jsut flat out going back to the original numbering again (or in Avengers case going AGAIN back to new #1s).
I know most people are thinking that it doesn't matter what the numbers are but for those of us collectors who like consecutive numbers and long running series without interuption its a big deal!!
Uncanny X-men,
X-men Reboot,
X-men: ReGenesis
Friday, June 17, 2011
Kill Them With Piousness - X-Factor #220
I'll start by saying that I overall really enjoyed this issue. Coming from being the quietest shyest mutant ever, Rahne has really changed over the years and it was awesome to see an issue showcase her after everything she's been through. With that being said...I don't like how she's been acting lately. If you read my blogs then you already know how I feel about her lately , but just to reiterate: I just cant get on board with her behavior recently. Her response to Rictor and Shatterstar's relationship, while completely understandable, has been somewhat appalling. BUT! I really appreciated seeing her at least making the effort to understand and make peace with something that she, at her very core, is so vehemently opposed to. It shows that she knows her behavior is inexcusable and at least wants to try and get back to a happier place.
On a much happier note, I started the scene with Shatterstar singing showtunes with disgust and horror at the writers stooping so low as to make this newly gay character a walking cliches. My disgust quickly turned to delight as they turned the scene around and made it a joke ABOUT the gay cliches of showtunes. A great turn around and, while I hate the use of tired cliches, I LOVE a good satirical joke about those same cliches. So while I can't wait to see the lately developments with Monet, Guido and Layla, this intimate portrait of one of the X-men's most religious characters was well deserved and amazingly executed.
The Sliding Punishment Scale in Comics
Good people do bad things. We all know that. But in life (or to the villains in comics) there are real consequences for the things we do even under extenuating circumstances. What about the heroes that do bad things? It sometimes seems like they get no blame at all. Or if there is no way around it, writers just ret-con it away. For example:
Jean Grey - My favorite character and the most glaring example of what I'm talking about. In 1980 they had her destroy a solar system and at least one whole planet of living creatures. Then they kill her. But come 1987 they want her back and can't find a way around making her a planetary scale they decide it wasnt her and we have Phoenix stories for the next 25 years...but really when they wrote the Dark Phoenix Saga, it was supposed to be Jean...
Or how about our favorite reality warper Scarlet Witch? OK fine she didn't ACTUALLY murder people but how many died when they abruptly lost their powers? I can think of at least one fire mutant who died when it happened... And now there are entire forums where people discuss how she is going to come back to the Avengers with just less power and not crazy. Not for nothing but when criminally insane people kill people, they aren't told "its not your fault you were crazy, its all good". No, they are sent to an asylum or some sort of treatment place for criminals. Yes, I get that its not Wanda's fault that she went crazy and she shouldn't be killed for it, but maybe we should wait before signing her back of up on the roster
And on the other side is her brother, Pietro. It actually WAS his fault that House of M happened. And it was his fault that Unus is dead. And that the Inhumans left. All of that he did. But they didn't even ret-con it! They just had Hank Pym tell the world that it was a skrull and Quicksilver rejoined...WHAT THE HELL?! And hes teaching children (one of them hes even teaching to be a villain)?! What the hell are they thinking?? Did you forget he started a war between two races and was instrumental in decimating another?
The only person I've seen do something wrong, and take his punishment for it like a real person is Vance Astro. He killed his father by over using his powers and went to jail...the Vault to be specific, and of his own free will. His team even tried to break him out but he wouldn't have it. He did the time for the crime he commited and then got released back to his old life. AS IT SHOULD BE.
I'm not saying that Jean and Wanda should have gotten away scott free (and Wanda still may not) but SOME sort of punishment instead of a half assed explanation or a massive retcon (like the one that said Magneto DIDN'T kill Jean) should be required. And Pietro should be in jail. Plain and simple. He's sorry? Good, think about it in your cell and we'll talk after you get out.
Jean Grey - My favorite character and the most glaring example of what I'm talking about. In 1980 they had her destroy a solar system and at least one whole planet of living creatures. Then they kill her. But come 1987 they want her back and can't find a way around making her a planetary scale they decide it wasnt her and we have Phoenix stories for the next 25 years...but really when they wrote the Dark Phoenix Saga, it was supposed to be Jean...
Or how about our favorite reality warper Scarlet Witch? OK fine she didn't ACTUALLY murder people but how many died when they abruptly lost their powers? I can think of at least one fire mutant who died when it happened... And now there are entire forums where people discuss how she is going to come back to the Avengers with just less power and not crazy. Not for nothing but when criminally insane people kill people, they aren't told "its not your fault you were crazy, its all good". No, they are sent to an asylum or some sort of treatment place for criminals. Yes, I get that its not Wanda's fault that she went crazy and she shouldn't be killed for it, but maybe we should wait before signing her back of up on the roster
And on the other side is her brother, Pietro. It actually WAS his fault that House of M happened. And it was his fault that Unus is dead. And that the Inhumans left. All of that he did. But they didn't even ret-con it! They just had Hank Pym tell the world that it was a skrull and Quicksilver rejoined...WHAT THE HELL?! And hes teaching children (one of them hes even teaching to be a villain)?! What the hell are they thinking?? Did you forget he started a war between two races and was instrumental in decimating another?
The only person I've seen do something wrong, and take his punishment for it like a real person is Vance Astro. He killed his father by over using his powers and went to jail...the Vault to be specific, and of his own free will. His team even tried to break him out but he wouldn't have it. He did the time for the crime he commited and then got released back to his old life. AS IT SHOULD BE.
I'm not saying that Jean and Wanda should have gotten away scott free (and Wanda still may not) but SOME sort of punishment instead of a half assed explanation or a massive retcon (like the one that said Magneto DIDN'T kill Jean) should be required. And Pietro should be in jail. Plain and simple. He's sorry? Good, think about it in your cell and we'll talk after you get out.
Not sure I love the new Wolfsbane...
Without giving away too much...
I'm not too thrilled with the side of Rahne's character we're seeing lately. We all know that she deep religious devotion has always been a big part of her character, but in later years she seemed to have loosened up, especially in light of the revelation that Reverand Craig was her actual father. In more recent issues, specifically since becoming pregnant and returning to X-Factor, its come back to the forefront and she's now beating people with it. Even in her days back in the New Mutants she had problems with Illyana due to the demonic nature of her powers but she muddle through it and still keep her good nature. But now shes back with a half-Asgardian baby and the first thing she does is lie to Rictor about it being his baby and more or less tell him that he's sinning with Shatterstar and going to hell.
Honestly? How does this sort of behavior make her any better then Reverend Craig?
Avengers Academy Stepping It Up!!
I was going to simply review the latest issue of Avengers Academy but what I'm saying concerns more then just the one issue.
To be honest, I wasn't into this title at all. Aside from being the weakest of the 4 Avengers titles (although Secret Avengers didn't beat it by much IMO) I really out only picked it up for Justice and Speedball (I was a huge New Warriors fan in the 90's). The kids seemed weird and boring, the Pym/Tigra/Baby storyline seemed a little contrived and far fetched (and in Marvel that's saying a lot) and the most interesting thing was Speedball cutting himself.
I don't know when exactly it happened but as I read issue 14 I suddenly noticed that I actually cared about these weird kids. The teachers I had started reader for were barely in the issue and I considered picking up the next two Amazing Spider-man issues (nice marketing by the way Marvel) simply because I knew they were going to be in them. Even Veil, who I felt was the whiniest and most annoying character, has come into her own, accepting now only her fate but also the eventual potential of her powers.
Special mention should go to Reptil, of course. It was a weird and surprising move when he was made class leader (much like the 1960's Cyclops) but honestly, he's really stepped up to the responsibilities of the role he was given. Making the conscious choice to give up his adult body and become a teenager again took a lot of resolve given his tremendous insecurities and he's may doubt himself a bit but he still makes call in the middle of a fight and takes responsibility for the results.
I was truly just about the drop this title out of boredom but in the last few installments they've really won me over and bought themselves some time on my list. Plus the promise of new characters and crazy plotlines is always intriguing right???
Storm vs Wonder Woman

OK I know Storm like the back of my hand but not so much Diana, so I'm doing as much research as I can before writing this but if i miss a few details PLEASE correct me.
3) Lockpicks/Thief Skill - From her years on the streets of Cairo, Storm has learned survival techniques that serve her in almost any environment. More then once she has been called on to use her stealth skills rather then her mutant powers to free herself and the X-men from captivity.
3) Golden Lasso - Forces anyone caught in it to tell the truth. Also shatters deceptions and illusions
4) Silver Bracelets - Used to deflect all manners of attacks. Can be used against projectiles, force attacks, and magical blasts.
5) Tiara - Razor Sharp and returns like a boomerang.
On the other hand, assuming Diana can get past whatever nasty weather Storm is brewing up and get face to face with her, the ballgame changes considerably. For all her elemental fury, Storm is still baseline human in strength and endurance so up against WW's goddess granted power she would probably fold however I see even Wonder Woman struggling to get past a full force hurricane wind with rain and whatever else Storm can throw up so she'd have to try and use her other advantages. She may try and throw her tiara at Storm in hopes of knocking her out or use her golden lasso to grab Storm by the foot, cape or arm and drag her down to the ground.
If this battle makes it to the ground then things change considerably. Storm loses a lot of her maneuverability that she had airborne however drawing on her skills as a thief to use anything and everything for cover and as weapons and here is where her true instincts as a force to be reckoned with come out. However, on the ground also granted Diana full use of her incredible speed which far outmatched Storm's, as does her superhuman strength.
I would say that the location of the battle plays a huge role in this battle. In the air Storm has a true fighting chance due to her maneuverability while in flight and there she can take full advantage of her elemental powers. On the ground Diana's physical abilities far outmatch Ororo's, whose weather abilities are slight more limited when grounded. Also, keeping in mind that Diana has the endurance of a god and is able to refresh and heal herself so unless Ororo can keep her off-guard she will just heal her wounds.
I'm gonna have to say that Wonder Woman probably wins this one. Storm has a chance if she can keep her off balance and airborne but the odds are against her.
1) First and foremost Ororo has her formidable Alpha-level mutant weather powers. This gives her almost complete control of the weather patterns surrounding her. She can utilize these abilities to:- Generate lightning (both in the sky and from her hands)
- Winds of almost any intensity (which she uses to fly)
- Create rain from showers to thunderstorm
- Blizzards
- Hail and Sleet
- Create Pressure Domes
- Perceive the world as changing weather patterns
- Change air temperature
- Her body resists negative effect of extreme temperatures
3) Lockpicks/Thief Skill - From her years on the streets of Cairo, Storm has learned survival techniques that serve her in almost any environment. More then once she has been called on to use her stealth skills rather then her mutant powers to free herself and the X-men from captivity.
1) Storm's main weakness over the years has bee her cripplingly severe claustrophobia. She developed this condition when she was a child with her parents and a plan crashed into their Cairo home. Her parents were killed and she was trapped under wreckage for days. Has not been TOO big an issue in recent years.Woman Woman
1) God-like Abilities - Diana has many powers that were given to her by Demeter- Strength - She is in the same class as Superman and has been known to lift over 100 tons.
- Speed - She is incredibly fast but her exact speed varies depends on the writer. Also incredibly agile.
- Flight - This depends on which Wonder Woman you are looking at. Most older versions of Diana needed her Invisible Airplane to fly but more recently she can fly under her own power.
- Animal Rapport - She can communicate with animals much like Moonstar is able to.
- Rapid Healing - Due to her divine goddess given abilities she is able to constantly heal herself as well as being highly resistant to poison and corruption.
3) Golden Lasso - Forces anyone caught in it to tell the truth. Also shatters deceptions and illusions
4) Silver Bracelets - Used to deflect all manners of attacks. Can be used against projectiles, force attacks, and magical blasts.
5) Tiara - Razor Sharp and returns like a boomerang.
- While not inherently a weakness, it is worth noting the Wonder Woman's strength and endurance are tied to the planet due to her connection to Gaea.FIGHT!
Well this battle would probably take place in large part in the sky since that Ororo's normal battle ground and I can't see Diana staying grounded for this. Once up in teh sky I imagine that Storm would pelt WW with high powered winds and rain and really crank up the air pressure. Once she established WW's durability she would probably then hit her with some lightning to try and knock her out of the sky. I might even see her whipping up a tornado or micro-hurricane to try and throw Diana off-balance keeping in mind that while Diana has Ororo beat on speed, the air isn't necessarily her natural element.On the other hand, assuming Diana can get past whatever nasty weather Storm is brewing up and get face to face with her, the ballgame changes considerably. For all her elemental fury, Storm is still baseline human in strength and endurance so up against WW's goddess granted power she would probably fold however I see even Wonder Woman struggling to get past a full force hurricane wind with rain and whatever else Storm can throw up so she'd have to try and use her other advantages. She may try and throw her tiara at Storm in hopes of knocking her out or use her golden lasso to grab Storm by the foot, cape or arm and drag her down to the ground.
If this battle makes it to the ground then things change considerably. Storm loses a lot of her maneuverability that she had airborne however drawing on her skills as a thief to use anything and everything for cover and as weapons and here is where her true instincts as a force to be reckoned with come out. However, on the ground also granted Diana full use of her incredible speed which far outmatched Storm's, as does her superhuman strength.
I would say that the location of the battle plays a huge role in this battle. In the air Storm has a true fighting chance due to her maneuverability while in flight and there she can take full advantage of her elemental powers. On the ground Diana's physical abilities far outmatch Ororo's, whose weather abilities are slight more limited when grounded. Also, keeping in mind that Diana has the endurance of a god and is able to refresh and heal herself so unless Ororo can keep her off-guard she will just heal her wounds.
I'm gonna have to say that Wonder Woman probably wins this one. Storm has a chance if she can keep her off balance and airborne but the odds are against her.
The Dark Age - The Iron Age: Alpha
To be completely honest, this issue had me all over the place emotionally and with it being rife with potential and potential disaster, I read the issue with more then a little trepidation. First and foremost, if you follow my blogs at all you know I'm a huge Jean Grey/Phoenix fan so you can imagine my reaction when I heard that "the one true Dark Phoenix was returning" a 5-part Iron Man storyline. HUH?? But as always I give Marvel the benefit of the doubt...
Let start with the premise...I did my research on Monsieur Donald Birch (aka The Phantom). He had one appearance back in Tales of Suspense #63 and has apparently been harboring this massive grudge now for DECADES. OK fine, a little tired of a premise but sure... But then they pluck a celestial being in the midst of her mental breakdown (she'd have to be if she's Dark Phoenix instead of green Phoenix) and are apparently holding her hostage (however briefly) with souped up Iron Man armors? First of all, I'd love to know when exactly during the Dark Phoenix Saga she was plucked from and how these Iron Man suits apprehended her prior to transport? Then of course there's the machine. A mysterious machine to pick things out of the past (just the past though, not the future) that was apparently scattered all over the world with various people having various parts but it never being assembled until now...
And whats the big master plan? He's dying of cancer and wants to watch the whole world die with him. Alright as far as evil ends go its good but surely there had to be a million other ways that this obvious mastermind could have done this that didn't involve summoning a nigh-omnipotent being from the past. And why? Not because he hates Tony Stark (which would beg the question why did he have to be there) but because he hates people in general. I'm sorry but the whole thing is kinda flimsy...its holds and I'll read it but its flimsy for sure.
Now after all, we have the good! Flimsy opening premise aside, the direction that the story looks like its going to take is very intriguing. Birch won, Dark Phoenix destroyed the Earth but not before Tony Stark grabbed a handheld teleport control and jumps back in time to the point when Dark Phoenix was abducted. Not a bad save at the end there Marvel! I'm very curious to see how Captain Britain, Power Man and Iron Fist fit into all this in the past and it good to see that Dazzler and some of the 80's versions of the X-men will be around to help. And paring Tony as he is now (all trying-to-do-good and being sober) with the mess he was back then is priceless. Gives him a chance to see what it was really like to do with himself as he was at the time, nice job writers!!
I still question the intelligence of making this an Iron Man story when this could have been a great X-men/Iron Man crossover. It almost seemed unfair to bring back the ACTUAL Dark Phoenix and have it not be more X-men-centric to get Cyclops, Storm and even Emma's reactions and feelings on her (its?) return.
Overall it started out weak but brought it back by the end with lots of promise for whats ahead!
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