Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mutant Generations 2: Mystique's Dark Tree

In the last installment of Mutant Generations, I showed how one family (specifically one propagated by two humans) can yield many high powered descendants.  In the case of Raven Darkholme, the shape shifting mutant known as Mystique, this has been shown to not always be the case.  She has actually proven that two powerful mutants don’t always guarantee a mutant offspring.

Mystique first had a son with (who she thought) was a baron in Germany.  The “baron” turned out to be the biblical mutant Azazel who possessed the ability to project fire, control dark magic and control his own progeny.  When this child came out with blue fur, two fingers per hand and a long tail she threw it over the falls.  This child survived to be raised by the Szardos family (a family of magic wielders) and grew up to become Kurt Wagner, the teleporting X-man Nightcrawler.  As he grew older he also developed the abilities to blend into shadows, stick to surfaces, and control his tail as a prehensile appendage.  Nightcrawler also has many half-siblings from Azazel including the living Darkforce portal Abyss and the bio-energy conducting Kiwi Black.  It’s worth mentioning that, since she is Mystique’s adopted daughter, Rogue and Nightcrawler consider themselves siblings despite Rogue not being a blood relation.

In an alternate dimension, Kurt and Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, had a daughter named Talia Josephine Wagner.  “TJ”, as she is known, possesses her father’s fur, fingers, and tail as well as his teleporting and shadow blending abilities.  Additionally, she also gained the power to possess somebody for up to 12 hours as a result of her mother’s chaos and hex abilities (or possibly her grandfather’s possession power).  She eventually grew to become the time-hopping Exiles named Nocturne until she was forced to stay in Earth-616.  She and this reality’s Nightcrawler began to build a stronger father/daughter relationship, before his untimely death during Second Coming.

On the other hand, when Mystique coupled with Sabretooth, an equally powerful mutant in his own animalistic right, the result was quite different.  In this instance, the pairing of two fairly potent mutants gave the world the mutant hating Graydon Creed, a baseline human with no potential for mutant abilties.  In a reaction to his lineage, which was not confirmed until he was much older, he became the founder of the anti-mutant organization the Friends of Humanity and much later (after his death and resurrection) he became part of Bastion’s inner circle.

Just proof that genetics are not everything, and that the insanity gene passes just as easy (if not easier) then the mutant gene.  Perhaps in the future mutants looking to have mutant offspring should also look into a psych profile as well as a genetic profile.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Meanwhile, Back on the Ranch... - Review Astonishing X-men #40

First off I'll say that I have been really enjoying the alternating stories running in this title.  Keeps the action from getting too stale when its just the same group of people always running around together.  And by splitting the Astonishing team up, it gives way for a few things to happen that might otherwise not have.  Like, for example, Storm back in the leader seat!  Or Beast running with the X-men again (since Scott and Logan aren't there)! 

Here's the minutia that some newer readers might have missed.  WAAAAAY back in the late 150's and early 160's of Uncanny X-men, when the team first met the Brood, THIS was the team!  In the initial Brood epic, the line up was Storm, Colossus, Shadowcat, Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Wolverine, and during this storyline is when Kitty first met her long time best friend Lockheed the Dragon.   From that day on, its been part of the X-men's mission to keep the Brood in-check, if not simply eradicate them, but now for something All-New and All-Different! 

With Cyclops and Wolverine in Japan and, sadly, Nightcrawler having left us for a better place, the representing X-men team is the same as the original Brood team plus Beast, but this time its the mission thats different!  They not only have to help the Brood, but they also had to LET themselves get infected by their sleazoid offspring.  It's also worth mentioning that Colossus, Storm, and Kitty are, arguably, the moral center of the entire X-men machine, and this particular situation put them in a highly ambiguous position: defeat one of their arch-enemies for good or save an alien race from extinction?

Now, if Cyclops or Wolverine had been there, there might have been less discussion and more destruction and death, but with THIS grouping of X-men, the preservation of life, ALL life, comes much more to the forefront of the debate.  Unfortunately, as usual when dealing with beings like the Brood, such compassion never goes unpunished, and no one could have predicted that the new and improved Broodlings would mature SO much faster.

One thing I have to complain about though, and this could be an art problem or just editors being lax on the details, is the "good" Broodling that had been they meet is suddenly bipedal and with human-like arms.  I know someone is going to say that jthey take on characteristics of their hosts, but in every incarnation we've seen, when they are in full Brood form, they don't walk upright and don't so much use their little claw-like arms as they use their long tentacles.  And let's not forget that they drag around with the long spiked tail behind them.  Where was the tail with spike on the end?  Where were the creepy long tentacles (which we've seen just as easily hold a gun as a hand does)?  And why is this little kid, by Brood standards, walking around on his two strong little legs?  Even the other Brood in the issue were  A LOT closer to the original version then this youngster was.  I understand that its supposed to be a new type of Brood and blah blah blah, but cutting it off from the hive mind and teaching it differently shouldn't so quickly change the physiological make-up of a creature.

Overall, I am loving this storyline, MUCH more then Monstrous and I can't wait to see how they tie it all up!  I am really hoping that Abigail doesn't die since she was infected so much longer ago then the X-men, but I think I am prepared for anything with this one.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Was JUST Leaving...

You know how it collect a crossover...or get a final issue...or someone's death and then you want to know what happens next!  Then suddenly before you know it you're collecting one (or in the case of crossovers) several new series that you would have otherwise not bothered collecting.   It happened to me once before, and before I knew it I was collecting everything Marvel made except Daredevil and Silver Surfer.  Well I was determined not to let that happen again this time so after the death of Johnny Storm I gave the new FF series several issues to grab my attention (since I hadn't been collecting Fantastic Four until the Countdown to 3 storyline).  Well as I picked up issue #5 last month I was fully ready to have it be the last issue of FF I bothered to buy.  The storylines were boring and sort of relied on you knowing a decent amount of Fantastic Four back story so I wondered why they bothered cancelling Fantastic Four at all rather then just give Spider-man a "4" costume.  And then I read issue 5...

WOW! After wrapping up a lackluster storyline and I was preparing to call it quits, suddenly who shows up but Black Bolt and the Inhumans??  You know what?  After going through Son of M, Silent War, War of Kings, and Realm of Kings I felt like this reveal was worth picking up another issue.  So I picked up issue #6 and was drawn to the intriguing manipulations of the Supreme Intelligence, wondering all the while "where is Black Bolt?", and then as the issue drew to a close we watch him float aimlessly, lifelessly within the fault...and then he comes to. 

Then I pick up #7.  To watch him use his power with such abandon, like he never has before was frightening to say the least.  And if anyone had any doubt as to whether it was really him, just ask Medusa, who picked right up with her husband as though they had never been apart.  BUT...Watching him discard the Kree Empire the way he did for some strange Inhuman polygamist prophecy (which apparently Medusa is entirely cool with) was honestly just a bit too much for me.

However, regardless of my personal feelings towards the situation, I was completely enraptured by the telling of the story.  But, where was the Future Foundation?  And why do I only enjoy the book when they aren't in it?  Now, as I said, I was JUST leaving this series when I got sucked back in by this storyline, and if I can buy the book for the Inhumans then I can give the FF a few more months to win me over.  If we are really lucky, the intense and exciting storytelling I am loving right now will continue once the action returns to Earth and the title characters.

GoldDust Comics is Open!

So considering I usually have at least a few comics up for sale on eBay, I have decided to turn my eBay account into something of an online store!

Welcome to GoldDust Comics!!

This is more of an experiment to see if it takes off, but I am pleasantly optimistic :)  Those of you already familiar with my "buying/selling" section already know whats for sale, but hopefully this will help draw more people to my auctions.

I don't ALWAYS have a ton of stuff, but if you keep a watch on my store you'll find some great deals like X-Factor #1 or cheap lots of Claremont X-men comics.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Weekly Pull List - 7/27/11

FF #7

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Clip of Wolverine Anime on G4!

In honor of its upcoming premiere on G4, here is a clip from the first episode!

And for those Heroes fans out there, Wolverine is being voiced by none other then Milo Ventimiglia aka Peter Petrelli from the now defunct superhero show.

Wolverine debuts on G4 on July 29th at 11:30 PM Eastern Standard time.

Avengers Promo Poster Released!

So in theatres where Captain America the First Avenger is playing (which is like...everywhere), we are also being treated to the first  promotional poster for the Avengers movie!  Its pretty plain and simple but still stunning IMO!  Here it is:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fear Itself: Dumbpool - Review Fear Itself: Deadpool #2

In the words of Chelsea Handler," What...a piece of $#!t"  This entire series is just a blatant ploy for more money.  And I don't just mean its not necessary to the story like a few other parts of this epic sized crossover. No, this one actually has nothing at all to do with the storyline of Fear Itself.

In fact the only relation to the actual Fear Itself storyline is that Deadpool knows about the hammers and is parading around a fake one.  They even had a chance to make it work, once the Walrus get real powers from it, they could have some how tied it back to The Serpent or Asgard or something, but no they decided to run with the whole "no-relation-to-the-storyline" thing.  

Now I DID collect Deadpool back in the 90's (I thought it was cute and fun plus he was sorta dating Siryn) and this was definitely a great throwback to that kind of humor.  But you know what? I kinda made the decision to not read Deadpool anymore so I wouldn't have bothered picking up this series if not for the fact that it was part of FI...except it kinda isn't right?

The story itself is comical and entertaining, I won't deny that.  Deadpool's plan blowing up in his face coupled with his classic slapstick, to the normal Deadpool reader, I am sure is hilarious, but I feel like they just slapped a "Fear Itself" banner across a story that had nothing to do with it just to suck 9 more dollars out of readers that they normally wouldn't get to buy a book.  Low, Marvel...Really Low...

Marvel Comics On-Sale 7/27/11

Here the list of Marvel releases for 7/27/11.  Its a little bit lighter on the Fear Itself tie-ins this week. Hallelujah!
EMMA #5 (OF 5)
FF #7

FI = Fear Itself
DOSM = Death of Spider-man
SPI = Spider Island
S = Schism

DC Remake Not So Bad...?

OK So I don't read DC.  The last thing I read of DC was KnightFall/Quest/End and the Death/Funeral/Rebirth of Superman (which I loved) so I am as far as I can be from "well-versed" about the DC Universe.  Its also worth mentioning that I rarely give the free give away comics from my local comic store (LCS), but this week was different!

In my pile of comics that I get every week, they took it upon themselves to throw in this week's free preview of the new 52 comics for DC coming this Fall, and out of shear boredom I decided to read it.  Wow!  Now I am a far cry from dropping Marvel and starting brand new with DC but after reading I have to be honest...I'M SORELY TEMPTED!

After about 5 pages of chasing and lights, I was hooked by one simple phrase..."Batman? You're real?"  What? Its going down like that?!  As a casual outside observer of DC, I have been incredibly skeptical of this entire reboot thing from the very moment I hear it.  I much more a fan of Marvel's infamous ret-cons, where everything happened but you find out new details to make it all make sense, but if they are really erasing EVERYTHING and starting brand new from scratch then great!  Now I know it said right off the (no pun intended) bat "5 Years Ago", but if what they are putting out is really a new beginning to everything then my curiosity is definitely piqued!  Seeing the beginnings to the relationships of Superman and Batman or Clark Kent and Lois Lane, the way that everyone back in the 40's and 50's got to see them, will truly be a treat and a treasure to the people who are diehard fans and stuck reading back issues.

As I leafed through the rest of the book, which was just images and blurbs about all 52 of the new #1's, I noticed a familiar trend that had originally drawn me back to comics in the first place.  After taking a few years off of collecting, I checked in with my old favorites to see what was going on and I noticed that most of what had been going on in the late 90's when I had stopped collecting at first was more or less erased and a lot of the 70's and 80's prominence was back in full effect!  The Avengers consisting of Sersi, Crystal, teenage Tony Stark and the insect-ine Wasp were gone and back was Thor, Captain America, Wonder Man and Vision.  The strangeness of Cecelia Reyes, "Joseph" and Maggot was a thing of the past and back was classic Nightcrawler, Angel, and Jean Grey dead all over again. 

With most of what I know of DC coming from the aforementioned storylines plus a hefty collection of DC Universe trading cards (series I and II) and Smallville, it seemed like a lot of the new books and storylines were really going for not just a reboot, but also bringing back more classic stories and characters like a traditional Justice League line-up, Hawk and Dove, and Teen Titans with Tim Drake as Red Robin (giving a nod to more recent storylines). 

Now I couldn't help but notice some familiar faces on the creative team as well!  Rob Liefeld's art on Hawk and Dove brings me back to the early days of X-Force and at the very least I think I may pick up Justice League #1 on August 31st just to get a taste of Jim Lee, reminiscent of his late 80's X-men run not to mention Grant Morrison writing Action Comics.

I'm never afraid to say when I'm wrong, and there's a good chance that this reboot will provide a great jumping on point for new readers without just being ANOTHER reboot with a new slew of #1's...WELCOME TO THE NEW DC!