Angel & Faith #7 – Call me crazy but I’m just not that into Faith’s father showing up. And not just that I don’t trust him (that much is pretty much a given) but that I am just not that intrigued by him even showing up. I always got the impression that he was a big douche but that he was out of the picture for whatever reason. Now a still-sane Druscilla on the other hand…THAT I can read ALL DAY. It’s almost even creepier seeing her with all her scruples because now there’s no rational excuse for her strange behavior (or in this case her strange lack of strange behavior I guess). In both cases I am at least curious enough that I can’t wait for next issue.
Avengers #23 – Eh…once again another lackluster installment of this over reaching story arc. I am getting so sick of Norman Osborn at this point, I don’t care what powers or whatever that he has acquired, Viper is a much more interesting adversary during this entire scenario. The Hulk-like creatures they’ve created are already getting overused and boring, and once again we spent an entire issue without seeing Storm take any sort of feature role. What was even the point of bringing her on if they were just going to lock her up? I get that they are focusing one by one on the different members (with Red Hulk, Quake and now Vision all getting some feature time) but when may I ask is Ororo’s turn?
Astonishing X-men #47 – YAY! It’s over! This is quite honestly the dumbest storyline that I have seen in an X-book in quite some time. What was even the purpose of it? They made a big deal over Scott and Storm kissing a few issues ago and then it turned into this entire weird ass other dimension nonsense (like we don’t already have enough of that). And it really just seemed like they were trying too hard to make the whole thing so damn deep, with Scott wearing Magneto’s helmet, the evil Xavier named Savior, and Scott cracking a beer to Logan’s honor at the end. It was just all too forced and reeked of “they don’t know what to do with this book” in my opinion.
FF #15 – I am so over this title. I gave it more than a fair chance I think and I was even excited to see the whole Power Pack reunite. But to be honest, it just seems like a continuation of the Fantastic Four title I dropped months ago and promises to be even more closely tied in the coming months. I think I’ll give it a few more issues (I’ll have some spare cash since a few of my other titles are getting cancelled) but I don’t really have a lot of high hopes for this one.
Venom #13.4 – OK they may have jumped the shark on this one folks. I’ve really been enjoying this storyline so far. Red Hulk has really grown on me, I’m always a Ghost Rider fan (no matter how ridiculous the writer’s choice of host is), and I even like the Flash Thompson version of Venom, but I feel like they went a little overboard with that last page monstrosity that melded the 3 together in a fashion. I wonder what sort of condition Alejandra will be in at the end of this whole ordeal since her own title has but one issue left before cancellation.