Battle Scars #4 - FINALLY! It took 4 issues of boring battling between everyone in the world and Marcus Johnson. We saw some creepy aging guy at the very beginning and Nick Fury (sort of) at the very end…and that was interesting! Other than that everything in the middle was still boring as hell. I love Deadpool and Taskmaster but every panel that didn't have them on it seemed like a complete waste of time to me. And the big shock ending that he was Fury’s son…wasn’t such a big deal to be honest, I kind had that suspicion a while ago. Here’s the twist though. He’s not Nick Fury, he’s the living LMD that we saw over in Secret Avengers…oooooo! With only 2 issues left, there’s no point in stopping the series now but what a wait of 6 issues.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #6 – I love a good Nikki Wood as much as the next Buffy fan but to be honest that was the only good part of this issue…oh that and the return of Spike! The story of Spike going on a police ride-along was a great secondary story but the whole issue in general was a little flat. Also, it was also really great to see Principle Wood again (especially since the last time we saw him was with Faith in the show’s finale and now she’s off on her own with no explanation of why they split), maybe we will get to see more of him but I doubt it. I know the show was big on having a few quiet episodes in-between the huge events but someone should tell the writers that that doesn’t always fly with printed stories. We didn’t even get a cliffhanger ending…
Carnage USA #3 – SUCH…a disappointment! I keep saying it but this series has just left me completely unfulfilled with each issue. The team of Avengers they threw together for this is boring, the storyline was weak as hell, and the best part of the issue was the appearance of Venom (the worst and least of the Venoms ever) at the very end. The symbiote weapons that the soldiers are using are lame, the use of Scorn/Tania Nieves is lame, and Carnage’s entire plane to subjugate the town and make them pull out their own teeth is the worst. The preceding Carnage limited has Shriek, Doppelganger, and all sorts of craziness so we were led to believe that this sequel was going to be bigger and better than ever. NOT SO MUCH.
Journey into Mystery #634 – First and foremost I loved the Buffy reference at the very beginning! If anymore remembers season 4 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there was a Halloween episode that involved an impending God of Fear being summoned and we find out at the end that the words next to his miniscule picture mean “Actual Size” so I loved the opening splash page of this issue. After it was a bit of a downhill slide though. I love a good Nightmare story but I prefer him corny and campy not actually evil and sinister. Last issue was better and hopefully next issue will be great, but this one was a little weird. But Journey has been great lately so we can ignore one slow issue.
Secret Avengers #22 – First issue of a brand new era! Love the new line-up. Hawkeye will be a great leader for this new team…if he can get Brian Braddock under control that it. I have seen Captain Britain and his uppity attitude in the past (mostly in old issues of Excalibur) but he seemed like he mostly got that under control until now. I think it will be great to see the dynamic between two leaders (who usually would never have even crossed paths) as this new team progresses. I am surprised to see Giant Man joining the team since “covert ops” never really seemed like his thing but Hank Pym is a great character no matter where he is so it should be fun to watch. Thrilled to see Black Widow and Beast are still around, but I somewhat question the presence of Valkyrie. I already think that The Fearless series is a complete waste of time and money but by having her show up here we already know she lives through that story (with her sword and some measure of her powers) and joins this team…so why are we supposed to even bother with Fearless??
Venom #13.1 – SO much better than the first part! The art is better, the villains were more interesting, and the storyline was pretty good. Watching the Antitheses take apart their “good” counterparts was exciting to say the least. I mean who would have thought that X-23 would get taken down by a cheerleader?? I have loved Blackheart ever since Hearts of Darkness back in the 90’s so it’s great to see him coming back with some devious plots that don’t involve taking down Mephisto. I’m not sure how I feel about Daimon Hellstrom and Dr. Strange suddenly being everywhere in the Marvel Universe at once I’ll reserve judgment on them until later.
Wolverine and the X-men #6 – What the hell!? That skank Kitty Pryde woke up at the end of last issue all preggers and we’re all left wondering “Who’s the father?” The answer this issue was creepier then we could have ever expected: Kitty is pregnant with millions of Brood designed to kill just her. Again I ask “What the hell!?” And as if it wasn’t bad enough to hear about her inhaling brood, we got to watch her inhale a mini Kid Gladiator…ewww. And as much I love the Brood and their stories…didn’t we just have TWO Brood related stories over in Astonishing X-men within the last year?? I wish they wouldn’t over use such a great X-villain so much. And way does Wolverine insist on making Kid Omega so heavily involved in everything? It’s one thing to keep him under watchful eye at the school but another all together to make him an integral part of important missions. Which leads me to…
Wolverine and the X-men: Alpha and Omega #2 – This is why he shouldn’t trusted or forced to participate because even if they pressure him into helping they have no guarantee that they can control him or trust him not to betray them. And since he is a telepath able to create and control something as elaborate as his mental prison for Wolverine and Armor, who could really stop him without Jean, Emma, or Charles around? I’m sorry but I just don’t see Rachel (sorry…”Ms. Grey”) being up to the task without the help of the Phoenix Force or its echo. And one last thing…does this mean that Armor is now longer going to be in Astonishing and is here now?
X-men #24 – I’m not really feeling Raizo Kodo and his band of vegetarian vampire followers (especially since they are popping up everywhere now) but in a way this story did need to happen. I mean, unless they were going to make Jubilee go crazy and evil, they needed to have some way of getting her under control. Unfortunately it may end up meaning that she leaves the X-men AGAIN to go join his group, which would be a big shame since she JUST got back with the team. On the bright side…wait there is no bright side, here’s to Jubes staying for more than just a few issues.