Thursday, November 10, 2011

Fear Itself: The Final Score

R.I.P. Thor Odinson.  Now that Fear Itself is over (I know, we’re still in epilogues but if I wait for those to be over, I’ll never get to write this) I get to give my final overall response to this EPIC sized crossover.  There’s honestly so much to cover that I barely even know where to start with this monster, but I’m just going to dive right in.

Let me get my biggest complaint out of the way now.  TOO MANY TIE-INS!  To collect this entire cross over was a financial and timely nightmare.  I went from picking up 5-9 books a week to collecting 9-15 books a week for the last 8 months.  And it would have been one thing if they were all amazing and relevant, but we had entire limited series that had almost no point or purpose to the story like Deadpool, Wolverine, and Uncanny X-Force.  At least Black Widow and FF had the decency to only be a one-shot, these other 3 were just complete crap.  Not to mention the fact that there were so many extra issues that by the end when I was reading Hulk vs. Dracula I had all but forgotten about the Spider-man limited series from the beginning.  I am all for tie-ins so we can see what’s going on all over the place but this time they just went completely overboard.

The Serpent.  FANTASTIC!  What a classic evil villain.  No ambiguities, or second guessing the plan at the end. No sir!  He woke up wanting to ruin the world and take down Odin, and by god he was doing it come hell or high water!  Conjured up his faithful Worthy and his floating Dark Asgard and went to it without ever looking back.  I liked his entire back story and I was glad they waited until the story was over before giving up all the details about his history because IT DIDN’T MATTER.  Whether he was Odin’s brother that was a mad king or he was a mindless evil demon bent on destruction, the desired endgame was still the same.  He never once took his eye off the prize so for that we must give him credit.  Unfortunately the prize was the destruction (or enslavement, I’m not completely clear on that) of humankind and his brother and death, and that simply could not be allowed.

Thor actually died.  I mean, they hinted that he might and he wasn’t in any of the Shattered Heroes promotional images but I really thought it was going to end up a cheap marketing ploy.  Alas, no…they really killed him.  And not one of the Ragnarok or godly deaths where he travels through a field in the afterlife and comes back.  He’s dead dead.  Now assuming he doesn’t come back in the next 3 to 6 months in some ridiculous manner, I think that this was one of the best comic deaths that I’ve ever read.  I loved that they took an old story, Thor fighting a serpent and dying afterwards, and gave it a new twist.  It was always assumed that this prophecy was referring to the Midgard Serpent but clearly this is an error.  He will be missed until he ultimately returns.

If I wanted to nitpick I have one other complaint: Where did Red She-Hulk come from at the end??  She was with Hulk when he got his Worthy hammer but then she disappeared for the rest of the storyline until the very end.  Suddenly she not only shows up out of nowhere in Fear Itself #7 but she also has a Mighty weapon made by Tony Stark in Asgard!  Where was she before the opening of Fear Itself #7 and how did Iron Man know to make her a weapon?  Wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to make one for her father, the Red Hulk? Or I don’t know Luke Cage or Protector?  Someone that would have been expected to be there as opposed to Betty just randomly showing up.

Overall I have to say that this was one of the best storylines I have read in a good long time.  The characters were amazing, the plot fantastic, and it showed us another side of some of our favorite heroes.  I am sure no one ever expected Spider-man to ask in the midst of battle “Can I leave to go home and check on my Aunt?”  But this was the time to do it.  We watched these idols get beaten and battered both emotionally and physically but when push came to shove (even if we thought they were going to quit) they stood right back up and kept on fighting.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My Weekly Pull List - 11/9/11

Battle Scars #1 FI
Fear Itself #7.2 FI
Ghost Rider #5
Journey into Mystery #631
Magneto: Not a Hero #1
New Avengers #18
Point One #1
Uncanny X-Force #17
X-Men Legacy #258

FI = Fear Itself

Flash Review - 11/2/11

Avengers Academy #21 – Schools back in session!  I only recently started reading some old Power Pack issues and fell in love with those young kids, so adding Lightspeed to the team was awesome for me.  I don’t know anything about White Bengal yet, but she seems a bit creepy.  The kids are dumb, evil older selves, blah blah blah…did you catch what else happened?  Well let’s see we just moved to the West Coast Avengers old base…Speedball and Justice left, and Hawkeye joined so now we have:  Giant Man, Tigra, and Hawkeye together again.  Did they just start putting the Avengers West back together??  With Jocasta subbing in for the Vision (assuming she lives) we’re just missing Wanda, Simon and Bobbi to round out the team!  Here’s to more AWC adventures!

Avengers 1959 #3 – I still think I’m missing the point of this series.  I’m honestly even getting bored with Namora at this point.  Nick Fury stories are so 80’s and 90’s at this point, they should just move on. ‘Nuff said.

Fear Itself #7.1: Captain America – Hated it!  What a complete and total cop out!  I didn’t like the entire resurrection scenario for Bucky to begin with, I felt he was a character better left in the past, but at least when he died fighting Sin/Skadi, he died with real honor.  Now instead the big emotional moment that brought the real Captain America back into the suit was all a big fake.  All so he can disappear into the shadows and be Winter Soldier again, oh! And Black Widow knew about it.  THUMBS DOWN.  This cheesy crap is why I don’t regularly read Captain America.

Fear Itself: The Fearless #2 – If you read my Flash Review from a few weeks back for Hulk vs. Dracula #3, I said there that I was looking forward to seeing more of Renzo Kaido and his Forgiven and here they are!  Great storyline between him and Valkyrie, but I still say that this series is going to be too long.  The epilogue of a story shouldn’t be almost as long as the original story.

New Mutants #33 – More mutant madness as ReGenesis keeps moving.  We’ve seen various versions of Graduation Day throughout the mutants very beginnings but this was something knew.  They were moving out on their own, but not quitting or breaking off on their own.  Much like high school graduates heading to college, they just want to find a place that’s theirs and not their divorcing parents.  The active choice to not follow Wolverine but also not live under Cyclops completely shows that the New Mutants have truly grown up.

X-men #20 – If this book stays like this, then I promise to not hate it anymore!  This is exactly what this book needed…Storm.  Enough Cyclops and Wolverine and Emma and Hope…let’s have more Storm!  Maybe we all forgot that for a good portion of the 80’s, she ran the X-men herself without Cyclops or Porfessor X to watch over her and she rocked it!  I am intrigued by her squad mates, Domino, Psylocke and vampire Jubilee, but I think that having her as the central leader figure of this title will really fix whatever’s been broken about it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The X-tinction Team - Review Uncanny X-men #1

Uncanny X-men Reborn!  As ReGenesis chugs along, knocking out one hit after another, I find myself losing all my reservations about this reboot!  Just like Wolverine & the X-men set up Wolverine’s entire side, this issue gave us the low down on all the mutants who sided with Cyclops to stay on Utopia.  First and foremost, the new team is amazing!  Hope deserves to be on a regular team (in addition to, not instead of, her own) and after 40 years of being around, in one form or another, Magik finally made her way to an actual X-men team!  But one thing at a time please…lets go through this one piece at a time.

Like I said, the team is amazing!  Cyclops, White Queen (that’s right people, the White Queen, not Emma Frost), Magneto, Namor, Colossus and Magik, Storm, Danger and Hope Summers rounding out the mix.  Definitely one of the more powerful line-ups that the X-men have seen in years (not counting the periods where every mutant everywhere was considered an X-man) and there isn’t even anyone (technically) boosting a Phoenix effect.  I love the new dynamic between Colossus and Magik, with her being the moral grounding and him being the borderline out of control powerhouse (as opposed to how its typically the other way around), and it’s nice to see her finally graduate to X-man status since she (and maybe Doug and Warlock) are the only New Mutants left that haven’t gained that status.  I look forward to seeing how Peter struggles with the influence of Cyttorak and the power of the Juggernaut in the coming issues.  I kinda thought that Namor was going to leave the team after his own series was cancelled but I find I am liking him more and more every issues and I think when the tension between him and Emma boils over it will be spectacular!  Danger is Danger, what.  Storm is still with us but she’s in a very precarious position now.  She doesn’t agree with Cyclops’ methods or direction, but she doesn’t want to abandon the team or the remaining young mutants so she stays…but for how long?  And lastly, Hope Summers.  Future Phoenix.  ‘Nuff said!

Scenery-wise, nothing special.  Still on Utopia, the floating mutant nation built on top of the underwater Atlantean nation.  We hear Scott talk about how the team needs to take a more global stance in mutant affairs and “superheroing” but it appears like all this globalizing will be happening from the same floating rock we’ve been living on.  Point to Wolverine for getting a souped school campus while Cyclops stays on his floating rock in the bay.  We did get a better team breakdown for Cyclops’ mutants then the school staff though.  I look forward to seeing Dazzler’s team (YAY Boom Boom’s back!!!) hit the streets and keep San Francisco safe while Generation Hope (with new addition Pixie) works as a rescue squad for new or troubled mutants.

And Sinister.  Heeeeee’s baaaaaaccck!  I have loved Mr. Sinister ever since I first read him in the X-cutioner’s Song crossover back in 1992 and made it a point to get all his previous appearances before that because he was just that cool.  Equal parts deceptive and truthfully, conniving and honest.  Always looking to further his own genetic cause, not purposely to hurt other but not really giving them a thought either way.  What could he possibly want with the Dreaming Celestial (and didn’t that massive robot have enough when Magneto broke in to help restore his powers)?  This time however, he didn’t even seem to be really attacking them with malicious intent; instead he seemed more to be just pushing them along a path that he sees for them.  In the past he’s been seen wielding powerful energy blast and body altering abilities, so why the need to publically antagonize them with a floating Celestial head made in his own image?  Almost as if he were taunting them for some other purpose…

I honestly can’t wait for this series to get going.  In this first issue alone he got to the see the new Extinction team in action, Colossus struggle with and transform into the Juggernaut, Magneto and Namor working for the greater good, and glimpses of the other squads in their various functions.  This had everything you need to get a new series off the ground, even if it didn’t have 50 years of history behind it.  Kudos to Gillen and Pacheco!  Can’t wait until next issue!

Marvel Comics On-sale - 11/9/11

The long-awaited Point One #1 comes out this week, the one-shot that sets the stage for 2012!  Spider-man get ANOTHER book with Avenging Spider-man #1! And Fear Itself CONTINUES to drain our pockets as Battle Scars begins and Fear Itself 7.2 hits the stands!

Avengers Origins: Vision #1
Avenging Spider-Man #1
Avenging Spider-Man #1 (Blank Variant)
Avenging Spider-Man #1 (Quesada Variant)
Avenging Spider-Man #1 (Quesada Sketch Variant)
Avenging Spider-Man #1 (Campbell Variant)
Avenging Spider-Man #1 (Ramos Variant)
Battle Scars #1
Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #525
Fear Itself #7.2
Ghost Rider #5
Incredible Hulk #2
Incredible Hulks #640
John Carter: World of Mars #2
Journey into Mystery #631
Journey into Mystery #631 (MC 50th Anniversary Variant)
Magneto: Not a Hero #1
Marvel Adventures Super-Heroes #20
New Avengers #18
Northanger Abbey #1
Point One #1
Point One #1 (Bradshaw Inked Variant)
PunisherMax #19
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #4
Uncanny X-Force #17
Wolverine #18
Wolverine #18 (MC 50th Anniversary Variant)
X-Men Legacy #258

FI = Fear Itself