Avengers Academy #21 – Schools back in session! I only recently started reading some old Power Pack issues and fell in love with those young kids, so adding Lightspeed to the team was awesome for me. I don’t know anything about White Bengal yet, but she seems a bit creepy. The kids are dumb, evil older selves, blah blah blah…did you catch what else happened? Well let’s see we just moved to the West Coast Avengers old base…Speedball and Justice left, and Hawkeye joined so now we have: Giant Man, Tigra, and Hawkeye together again. Did they just start putting the Avengers West back together?? With Jocasta subbing in for the Vision (assuming she lives) we’re just missing Wanda, Simon and Bobbi to round out the team! Here’s to more AWC adventures!
Avengers 1959 #3 – I still think I’m missing the point of this series. I’m honestly even getting bored with Namora at this point. Nick Fury stories are so 80’s and 90’s at this point, they should just move on. ‘Nuff said.
Fear Itself #7.1: Captain America – Hated it! What a complete and total cop out! I didn’t like the entire resurrection scenario for Bucky to begin with, I felt he was a character better left in the past, but at least when he died fighting Sin/Skadi, he died with real honor. Now instead the big emotional moment that brought the real Captain America back into the suit was all a big fake. All so he can disappear into the shadows and be Winter Soldier again, oh! And Black Widow knew about it. THUMBS DOWN. This cheesy crap is why I don’t regularly read Captain America.
Fear Itself: The Fearless #2 – If you read my Flash Review from a few weeks back for Hulk vs. Dracula #3, I said there that I was looking forward to seeing more of Renzo Kaido and his Forgiven and here they are! Great storyline between him and Valkyrie, but I still say that this series is going to be too long. The epilogue of a story shouldn’t be almost as long as the original story.
New Mutants #33 – More mutant madness as ReGenesis keeps moving. We’ve seen various versions of Graduation Day throughout the mutants very beginnings but this was something knew. They were moving out on their own, but not quitting or breaking off on their own. Much like high school graduates heading to college, they just want to find a place that’s theirs and not their divorcing parents. The active choice to not follow Wolverine but also not live under Cyclops completely shows that the New Mutants have truly grown up.
X-men #20 – If this book stays like this, then I promise to not hate it anymore! This is exactly what this book needed…Storm. Enough Cyclops and Wolverine and Emma and Hope…let’s have more Storm! Maybe we all forgot that for a good portion of the 80’s, she ran the X-men herself without Cyclops or Porfessor X to watch over her and she rocked it! I am intrigued by her squad mates, Domino, Psylocke and vampire Jubilee, but I think that having her as the central leader figure of this title will really fix whatever’s been broken about it.
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