OK We finally have full reveals for the Blue and Gold teams!! I'll be honest, even I am surprised by some of the new additions. A few people showed up in this last round that I was completely not expecting and some seemed logical even if I hadn't thought of them before!
Generation Hope - The last reveal for Generation Hope is Kenji. Not a big shock, I assumed that that weird shaped person was him. Again, still no Idie, but we may now have an answer as to why...just keep reading...but the big question is still why is Sebastian Shaw with them???
X-men (Vol. 3) - With the addition of Domino, this team looks suspiciously like a Wolverine team...except that Storm is leading... Are Jubilee, Psylocke and Warpath playing spies for Logan? Seems at least like a possibility...
Uncanny X-men - Nothing new here, loving this team set up! Glad Magneto is still here, thrilled Namor is gone, and excited that Magik has made it from captivity to X-man! Oh! And Emma is fabulous!!
New Mutants - Our last reveal for the New Mutants are Cypher and Magma. More shocking then who IS here, is who ISN'T here! What happened to Cannonball?? He can't still be in the psych ward recovering from Age of X can he??? I mean, I know we still have Dani but still! It should be Cannonball leading them.
Uncanny X-Force - Just to dispel all rumors, yes its really Psylocke in this picture, not Revanche. So this brings up the entire "spy" aspect again.However, the big question: Where is Warren Worthington??? Does he not make it through the Dark Angel Saga??
Wolverine and the X-men - Here we get a few surprises actually! We already saw Wolverine, Iceman, Kitty and Lockheed (and upon closer look at the LAST reveals, we also have Toad at the bottom), but now we have some real bombshells! As I predicted, we have Kid Omega on the left, but we also have Beast on the right (which I think is messed up because he left when he found out about Scott's X-Force but its not like Wolverine FORCED him to do it, he was more then willing so why does Beast side against his oldest friend???) A reall shocker is the glowing figure in the back! Now I know a lot of people were hoping for Rachel (hold for more on that) or even the elusive Jean Grey (NOT!!), but it looks like the fiery schoolgirl might be Idie (aka Oya) which would account for her being missing from Generation Hope. It really looks like Wolverine's team is all people that have issues with Scott already or are somehow on the run. So what makes Kitty and Bobby turn against him?
X-men: Legacy - This is the least "wowzers" of all the teams I think. Not that its a bad dynamic but its not surprising at all. Gambit and Frenzy just joined Rogue in some sort of team capacity (and they made a big deal over Frenzy) so it would have been silly to get rid of them, and Rachel is being rescued right now in that very book so it makes sense that she sticks with Rogue. I am a little taken aback that Rahcel returns and quickly sides against her father, but they haven't had the most nurturing relationship so I suppose it's not THAT huge of an upset. And it makes sense that Magneto would stay with Scott, as far as he's concerned Scott is the leader of the mutant world now.
X-Factor - WOW! Large cast much?? I will start off by saying that 11 principle members is way too many, but that's where my criticisms stop! I am thrilled to see that not only is Madrox NOT dead (as was suspected) but Polaris will be joining Havok back on X-Factor (as its damn well should be) as well as the confirmation that Longshot is still around! I DO wonder what this means for the leadership of X-Factor though, Jaime has done a great job but (minus Quicksilver) this is the full government X-Factor roster that Alex led so it would make sense for him to be back in charge. Another thing to wonder is who WILL be the team member death we have been hearing about?? I will be super pissed if it ends up being Darwin...