During these early years I also hand wrote what, in modern terms, amounts to basic wikipedia file about all things X-men. In this file (which was all written on white lines 3-hole punch notebook paper) was an alphabetical listing of every single A) Team and all their incarnations and members including headquarters and 1st appearance of the team and B) Character bios including code names, real names, 1st appearances, death issue (if any), and team affiliations. Later I also added a comprehensive listing of all crossovers (again hand written, after all it was 1996) and yes before you ask me: I was something of a nerd.
After high school I, being the brand new college guy that I was, stopped collecting (and in one of the stupider moments of my life, threw out my arduously created X-men file), but that only last for about a year of two. When I came back, I came back strong though, starting with my usual X-titles (getting whatever back issues I could of what I'd missed) of course, I quickly started collecting titles until I was collecting all but two or three Marvel titles. Being the struggling college student that I was I couldn't afford to keep up my costly hobby so in the same month as Grant Morrison's final issue of New X-men, I stopped collecting all together.
I only came back to collecting in 2007, but this time it was different. For one thing, instead of a two year gap I struggled to fill, I now had a 6 year gap to account for...but I also had eBay. Thanks to the miracle of cheap comics on eBay I was able to buy everything X-related I had missed plus the entire House of M, Civil War, Secret Invasion, and War of Kings storylines (and all their lead-ins, tie-ins, and sequels). Also, thanks to wikipedia and my not-so-busy job at the time, I spent hours reading wiki pages and learning all the stories I had missed.
Now I am a frequent wiki writer and blogger/reviewer on Comic Vine as well as always having a few comic items at a time up for sale on my eBay page so check those out! E-mail me anytime at golddustboi09@aol.com.
I recently cataloged my entire comic collection and it topped out at a staggering 5,100 issues (so if you have any character or issue questions, I am sure I know the answer or where to find it), with more then half of them being X-related, including:
- Uncanny X-men (many original run 1st appearances, and every issue from 160 until 451 and House of M onwards)
- X-men (Vol. 2) (entire original run so far including New X-men and X-men Legacy runs)
- X-treme X-men (entire original 46 issue run plus all specials and related limited series)
- X-Factor (entire original 149 issues run plus all annuals)
- New Mutants (entire original 100 issue run plus all annuals and specials)
- Excalibur (entire original 125 issue run)
- Age of Apocalypse (entire original run plus all Spin offs, one shots, prequels and sequels)
- Onslaught
- House of M
- Civil War
- Secret Invasion
- War of Kings
- Realm of Kings
- Chaos War
- Heroes Reborn (plus all sequels and spin offs)
- Fear Itself (currently collecting)