Battle Scars #1 – Not impressed. A lot of action and nothing happened. In a Post-Fear Itself world there are epilogues, fallout and spin-offs abound and with Fear Itself #7.1-7.3, The Fearless, ReGenesis, and everything else going on this issue just didn’t rate very high. Marcus Johnson is the newest character with a big secret, so big that even he doesn’t know it. YAWN! I am sure the writers have something really special in store for him but after one issue it seems like we have the making of an African Punisher or a new Luke Cage (neither of which we need).
Buffy: Season 9 #3 – A little weak but that’s ok. This series has definitely taken on a tone very like the television series and when it was on TV there was always the occasional slow episode so they are entitled to a slow issue. They are really taking their time getting into anything too big in this series (which makes me think they have huge things on the horizon) but hopeful to say the least. The whole male slayer thing was kinda cheap and stupid but they turned it around at the end and made him a BAD male slayer which hey I guess that works. Next issue seems like it’s going to be cool as hell but this one was a little lacking in the action and story departments.
Fear Itself #7.2: Thor – Um…what? This was just a regular heartfelt sweet goodbye issue to send Thor to the afterlife after his sacrifice against the Serpent. At least that’s what I thought it was. We got to see Jane Foster’s reaction, Sif in mourning, Lil’ Loki missing his brother, Odin step down and the Vanir women appear to take his place. If they had left it at that it still would have been a great issue, but they took it one step further. Who is Tanarus!? And why does everyone already know him as God of Thunder and Avenger? Nice set up for the upcoming stories in Thor’s book (which appears to be keeping its name). Oh…and was the Thor’s body floating in the ether and then waking up at the end?? This should be good…
Ghost Rider #5 - What the hell are they doing?? This book is turning into a huge steaming pile of crap. Where should I even start? Her bike looks like a chicks bike, not a Ghost Rider’s for starters. And where did she get all these powers from?? How does she even know she CAN spit locusts and control sandstorms and how does she know how to access them when Johnny couldn’t for all those years? And just when did it become that Johnny’s Ghost Rider was Zarathos again? I thought that the Ghost Rider power was just inside him and Mephisto used Zarathos to bring it out, why does Alejandra need or have Zarathos? Her flaming nunchuk weapon is a stupid step down from the flaming chain that Danny Ketch used and needs to go also. And last but not least, her father is a baby wearing psycho…not nearly as creative as the writers think it is. Johnny Blaze wasn’t even in the issue and I was bored to tears, not sure what else to say.
Marvel Point One #1 – WOW! Lots of good stuff happening in here! First of all, when did Nova come back?? Now, they never say the name Rich Rider so there is always a chance it’s his brother Robbie but I am pretty sure we’re supposed to think its Rich. More importantly, PHOENIX!!! OH MY GOD IT’S BACK AND IT’S BLUE! If I start now I’ll just go on and on about the Phoenix but I will say that it’s about time there was a Phoenix story that involved more than just the X-men. And who are the X-terminated? Is Age of Apocalypse really getting its own series?? That’s exciting, not a lot of alternate timelines get the amount of play and coverage that AOA gets and none deserve it more (Days of Future Past is played out like crazy). Having read the 90’s clone saga, I am a big Kaine fan, but I didn’t know he had returned (I didn’t read Spider-Island)! I was also a really big Ben Reilly fan (especially as the Scarlet Spider) so seeing Kaine, all healed and not dying, taking up the mantle seems like a really great direction to take the character…as long as they don’t dye his hair blond. I don’t know I think yet of Coldmoon and Dragonfire (aka Empty Circle) but I am definitely intrigued by these twins and can’t wait to see more of them. And they are really pushing this new Defenders book lately but I am just not seeing the huge draw. I know it was a big thing back in the late 70’s and early 80’s but no matter how many promos I see I just don’t have the drive to get into this new (old) team. And lastly I don’t really know what’s going on in this little Ultron bit but it looks exciting! I can only imagine that it has something to do with the Ultron stuff going on over in the Avengers books lately. Only time will tell…
New Avengers #18 – Let me say first that any issue where none of the title characters show up is already at a huge disadvantage in my eyes. That being said, this new team of Dark Avengers blows the last one out of the water! I am not even sure who half of these characters are and I am absolutely enthralled by this gathering. My one complaint is that two of the Avengers they are impersonating (Ms. Marvel and Scarelt Witch) are some of the most powerful members there are and they are being “played” by two people that (as far as I can tell) don’t have any powers of any kind. I’d like to see how they simulate cosmic manipulation and chaos magic with technology. I can’t wait to learn more about Gorgon and Barney Barton, but what the hell is Ai Apaec?? Seems like something that monstrous and creepy would have been heard more of before now. Can’t wait to see what kind of trouble they cause Luke Cage’s crew.
Uncanny X-Force #17 – And the Dark Angel Saga keeps on going! This has been such a crazy storyline that its almost hard to keep track of it! Earth-616 and the Age of Apocalypse collide once again as the Amazing X-men come to X-Force’s rescue. Since we’ve been seeing promos for X-Force with Nightcrawler in it, it’s no surprise that he (and some other familiar) faces showed up as the story approaches its conclusion. For a Phoenix fanatic like me, it is always a huge treat to see Ms. Grey wielding the Phoenix Force even if it’s from an alternate reality. This saga has maybe gone on for a little too long but it’s been amazing and I can’t wait to see how it ends. I suspect that Warren is not going to make it through this one, but I am hoping that I am wrong.
X-men: Legacy #258 – It’s a fun story, but I could take it or leave it. The best part of this is knowing that Havok Polaris and Rachel are coming back to the fold when it’s over, but other than that it’s just a bit…“whatever”. The entire bug people vs. the Shi’ar seemed a little weak to begin with in my eyes. It ended on a hilarious note though, with everything going on up in space it completely slipped everyone’s mind that Alex, Lorna and Rachel have NO idea about Fear Itself or Schism and “there are some briefing sessions need to be had”.
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